School Community

St Joseph’s Primary School is a welcoming and active community. We aim to build strong relationships between school, families, our parish and our local community and value the participation of this wider community in the life of the school.

Support from parents is crucial to the success of the school. There are many opportunities to be actively involved in your child’s education and nurture the partnership between home and school. Parents are invited to participate in their children’s education through a wide range of activities. The school community encourages and depends to some degree on the talents of parents to campaign and fundraise for school improvement.

Parents can be involved in many ways:
  • Literacy classroom helpers
  • Numeracy support
  • Parents as experts in the classroom
  • Excursions
  • Library shelving and covering new books
  • Liturgies/ classroom prayers
  • School Sports
  • School Board
  • Parents and Friends Association
  • Running Club
  • Sustainability Parent Green Team
  • Embrace opportunities to attend school functions and community events
  • Assist with the Breakfast Program

N.B. Volunteers must furnish a current Working with Children Check, sign St Joseph’s Code of Conduct and attend a helpers meeting, at the advertised time during the second week of the school year or meet with the Principal at a mutually convenient time.

Collaborative Conferences

Collaborative conferences with parents, teachers and students take place each semester. Written reports are provided in June and December. To ensure that the Parent / School partnership is maintained, teachers or parents may request an interview concerning the development of a child at any time. As teachers have professional learning commitments after school, please ensure that these chats are held at mutually convenient times.