Vision and Values

Our History

St Joseph’s has served the Orbost and surrounding communities since the school was opened in 1923 by the Sisters of St Joseph and has always seen itself as a vital and vibrant part of the community around it. The school has seen many changes in demographics and has responded accordingly to the needs of the community.

Our Values

Our motto, ‘The little school with a big heart,’ represents St Joseph’s unique culture of our 3Cs: Caring for Self, Caring for Others, and Caring for our Environment. These values emanate from parish life and our special association with Caritas Australia, which embodies these core values as their central tenets.

Our Vision

United, as a school community, we walk in the light of faith, guiding our students in learning with compassion towards a purposeful future.

Our Mission

At St Joseph’s we:

  • are dedicated to enhancing the school community’s comprehension and appreciation of the Catholic faith
  • are committed to developing expert teachers
  • aim to provide positive experiences, in a safe inclusive environment, that encourages and challenges students to reach their full potential
  • teach and model behaviours of caring for self, others and our environment
  • encourage an active partnership between school, families, parish and the wider community

Our history is very much a part of who we are today and as we move forward we will strive to honour our past whilst embracing the challenge and excitement that ‘St Joseph’s – a school for the future‘, promises our community.